Farewell Shindig Date Change

on Sunday, March 29, 2009

Just wanted to post a quick correction. We've decided to delay the farewell shindig to Sunday, April 19, and we're planning to have a get-together at a park (probably Antioch Park) from 4 pm until dusk. Folks can come and go, kids can play, adults can visit, etc. This has the advantage of being closer to the date of our departure, and allows us to focus in the short-term on packing and getting moved out of our house.

Pray for good weather -- we'll have a backup inside plan in case it doesn't cooperate. More details to be released later, but we wanted to get the news out that we WON'T be having the open house at our place next weekend for folks who may have been planning on it!



Maggie J. said...

can you have one in Manhattan too?