After the lull ... the big Mo.

on Friday, March 12, 2010

After a slow start to the carpentry program, we've really got some momentum. Five young men showed up this week each day and participated in the program--we studied the first chapter of the gospel of John, worked our way through a couple of pages of a carpentry book, built some cabinets, did some painting and even studied a little English, too.

This week I really felt like we turned a corner relationally, too. Alex is almost 16 years-old and was assaulted by a group of boys last year. His mother told us that he quit going to school and rarely left the house due to fear of the same happening again. Somehow, he overcame these fears to show up the last two weeks and participate. Although very timid the first week, during Bible study Wednesday, he responded to a question about how God has blessed him by saying the carpentry program and our growing relationships have been a real blessing to him!

Two other exciting bits of news this week are that Gustavo, the director of New Horizons, the outreach that the carpentry program is a part of, found some money in the budget so we can buy some wood to begin creating some pilot products to sell in the neighborhood. This will be an initial effort to determine what we want to begin building and how it might sell in La Carpio.

In addition, Andrea and I have been invited to co-lead a couples' Bible study in La Carpio with Cesar and his wife, Carmen, two residents of La Carpio that are volunteers with Christ For the City and are involved in starting a church in the neighborhood. The second week that Cesar and Carmen and others gathered for Sunday morning Bible studies, nearly 150 people showed up. Clearly there is a real hunger for the Lord in this desperate place!

Please pray with us that we'd have wisdom and discernment to determine which additional ministry opportunities to become involved in as they present themselves as we try to be good stewards of our time and energy. Please also continue to pray for Alex, Rener, Harold, Mychall and Jonathan to continue to be consistent and respond to what the Lord is doing in their hearts through the carpentry program.



Kristen said...

Fantastic!! Go hawks...hope you are watching the games! hugs to you all.