Add to the Beauty

on Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy New Year! I happened to be listening to Sara Groves' song Add to the Beauty on New Year's Day as I was thinking about what this year has in store for us, and what I'd like to accomplish.

For those of you who aren't familiar with it, here are some of the lyrics:

It comes in small inspirations
It brings redemption to life and work
To our lives and our work

It comes in loving community
It comes in helping a soul find its worth

Redemption comes in strange places, small spaces
Calling out the best of who we are

And I want to add to the beauty
I want to tell a better story
Shine with a light, that's burning up inside

I admit that sometimes the messed up nature of the world weighs me down and makes being a part of God's plan to redeem it seem like an impossible and unwieldy task. Where to begin?

This song reminded me of the small and beautiful things that we see each day that are part of the process of redemption. It struck me that "adding to the beauty" should be the sum total of my New Year's resolution this year. If I am blessed enough to help one soul find its worth this year by reflecting Christ's beauty, that will be enough. No matter how small my contributions, if I've added to the beauty accounts and helped to tell a better story to some who need to hear it, it will be enough. Here's to New Year's perspective!



Unknown said...

yeah sara groves!!!

Kristen said...

Love that song and love Sara Groves! that is a great perspective to have. check out her new album!