The Blessing of Friends

on Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wow, it's been over a month since we updated our blog! It's been a great one, filled with visits from friends in the States who have been a tremendous blessing to us and to our missionary student community at language school.

First, David Beisiegel, a chiropractor friend of ours, came down for a medical mission to Costa Rica and Nicaragua. He offered to do free chiropractic adjustments for fellow missionary students, and 35 people took him up on it! We hadn't really thought about it, but lugging books back and forth to school, sitting in hard desks all day, sleeping on strange beds, and being stressed out about language and culture shock can take it's toll on one's spine. There were many happy students around campus after David came by!

Next, Jonathan and Joy Klee arrived to do a ministry check-in and help us make a video to capture our lives and ministry here in Costa Rica. Jonathan has his own fundraising ministry in Kansas City, and was a great help to us in preparing financially to come to the field. He has generously offered to be an ongoing support to us on the field by making this video. We took advantage of Jonathan's visit to bless the missionary student body again with a fundraising workshop. It was a great encouragement to about 25 missionaries who participated, all of whom are faced with raising financial support during a time of unprecedented financial strain in the U.S. and needed some fresh assurance that God continues to provide for all of our needs in his own creative ways.

Anyway, Jonathan and Joy have shadowed us for the better part of a week, filming as we go. We are very excited to share the final product with you all soon, and hope that it will be a good visual summary of our lives here so that you can see with your own eyes what we're up to!



Paul Hassell said...

very nice!

a blessing to be with you via technology. press on hard in Jesus!
